A prescribed fire on the California Lost Coast.
Creating and Supporting Community Resiliency
ForEverGreen Forestry (FGF) is a leader in helping communities, NGOs, and local governments in planning and preparing for wildfire in California, nationally, and Internationally. We facilitate communication and consensus among citizens aiming to achieve climate resiliency. Our experience includes:
Creating cutting-edge Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP) in California and Oregon including Humboldt, Lake, and Del Norte counties and the Santa Monica Mountains, using a community-centered collaborative process ensuring effective local adaptation. These plans integrated conservation biology and land-use planning to identify realistic actions communities can take to prepare themselves to coexist with wildfire.
Designing the country of Chile’s national community wildfire preparedness program, Communities Prepared for Wildfire, Comunidad Preparada, for the national forestry and fire agency CONAF.
Establishing a Memorandum of Understanding between California and Chile on wildfire prevention, and organized the international conference in 2016: Wildfire Prevention in the Wildland-Urban Interface in the Face of Climate Change.
Forwarding prescribed fire in California where appropriate, with the Governor's Forest Management Task Force, originalPrescribed Fire Working Group, helping to found the Humboldt County Prescribed Burn Association (PBA) and the Yolo PBA.
Facilitating Conservation Principles and a Guidebook in 2007 for conservation-based community fire planning and prevention in California's Sierra Nevada, including landowner outreach materials to inspire forest restoration and management.
Designing and editing two editions of Living with Wildfire in Northwestern California.
Creating two public-education brochures at the California Fire Safe Council on Hardened Homes and Defensible Space.
Actively engaging in the Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network. and the Governor's Wildfire & Forest Resilience Task Force, Fire Adapted Communities Working Group.
Supporting and mentoring creation of new Fire Safe Councils (FSC): the Yolo County FSC, Solano FSC, and the Capay Valley FSC/CVERA.
Fire is one of those rare subjects that can unite diverse people in a given locale in service of a mutually beneficial goal. Today there is clearly great interest in advancing wildfire-preparedness activity and agendas in most places in the Western US.
“Community resiliency” is a current term for making a neighborhood, town, or larger area as ready for and resilient to wildfire as possible–to be a “Fire-Adapted Community”. FGF can help your community prepare for wildfire and climate change.
Working with local residents to prepare for fire in the Santa Monica Mountains.